Friday, December 3, 2010

Pop Tab Bracelet Crochet-Plarn Along

Pop Tab Bracelets have become today's newest fashion jewelry accessory -

But this isn't just any ordinary pop tab bracelet, this is an eco friendly pop tab bracelet because it is made with plarn.

'Plarn' .. it is a commonly used word heard quite a bit in the crafting community. You can find write-ups and tutorials about it on various blogs and websites as well as in YouTube.
What exactly is Plarn? It is a very creative way to recycle plastic bags you bring home from the grocery store, retail stores, and even fast food restaurants.

The word 'Plarn' is derived from 2 words combined:  [Pl (plastic) + Arn (yarn) = Plarn] .

I recently hosted my first Crochet-Plarn Along and had so much fun with it I decided - Hey!!  let's squeeze one more in before saying good-bye to 2010 ....

This Crochet-Plarn Along will be in honor of those that are seeking a 'last minute gift idea' or have a 'hard to buy for person' on their gift list.

The skill level: Easy

This pattern is so super simple that even the newest of new crocheter can do - all you need is:

Materials Needed:
  • Crochet hook - size F
  • Approximately 14 pop tabs consistent in size 
  • 2 standard size plastic grocery bags or 1 of each color
and in less than 30 minutes you’ll have an adorable bracelet just like this.

(except if you're laughing too hard from watching something funny on TV or chatting away with friends ...all of which are completely acceptable and encouraged)

I will share the pattern in 2 sets beginning Tues, 12/7 and last posting on Sun, 12/12.

If you interested in participating, please leave me a comment or email me at

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